Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Tooth That Had To Go...

On Sunday afternoon I asked Jaden about her loose tooth.

She says it is really wiggly, but she is scared to pull it.

Paula and Mom tell me that Jaden already has another tooth growing behind the loose one.

The three of us decide the tooth has to come out.

Jaden at first is excited, but very quickly decided that maybe this is not a good idea.

We discuss with Jaden that the tooth needs to come out.

Jaden says NO!

After a serious discussion about money... ok, let's pull this tooth!

At first Paula tries Dental Floss tied to the tooth...

Then some thread...

Paula tries using a dish towel to grab on to the tooth...

After a little while we have had no luck...

A lot of crying has begun...

After about 15 minutes we give up...

10 minutes later Paula asks Jaden to let her try one more time...

Jaden says "No string...just the dish towel"

After two more tries...


Jaden was shocked when her tooth came out.

Shocked, but very excited!

In the next picture you can see the new tooth already growing

Now remember that serious discussion about money...

Let's just say Aunt Niece is a big softie...

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I hope Max doesn't hear about that tooth fairy because that is to high of a price for us to pay! Next time Jaden has a loose tooth I will have to come for a visit. I have pulled several of Max's, Emily's, and a couple of kids at church. These are just the ones in the last couple of months. I just seem to have a knack for it!